legal basis

Presidential Proclamation No. 1801 in 1980
Designating Apo Reef as a Marine Park and giving authority to Philippine Tourism Authority to undertake the development and Management of the area
Sangguaniang Bayan Resolution No. 1108 in 1983
Declaration of ARNP as a tourist Zone and Marine Reserve

Republic Act 7586- National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) in 1992
tentative listing of Integrated Parks all over the country and the identification of ten (10) priority sites including the IPAS Reef Natural Park

Presidential Proclamation No. 868, dated September 6, 1996
Apo Reef was proclaimed as Protected Area under the category of Natural Park and it Surrounding waters as buffer zone

Republic Act 11038- Expanded National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act of 2018
Declaring Protected Areas and Providing for Their Management, Amending for This Purpose Republic Act No. 7586, Otherwise Known as the "National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act of 1992" and for Other Purposes